Monday, July 02, 2007
NARET' V. UCBR (2004) DOCKET NO. 1742 CD 2004
CASE DOCKET NO. 1742 CD 2004
NARET' V. UCBR (2004) NO. 1742 CD 2004 (CONT'D)
(The reply number will correspond to the response line it is replying to as much as possible)
1. The Unemployment Compensation Board of Review (hereafter referred to as the UCBR) filed this 11/24/04 Motion to Dismiss as a response to the 11/8/04 9 page Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice and 7page Addendum, filed by the appellant (petitioner). The arguments and legal citings in the appellant's combined 16 page Motion, with its Addendum, presented undebatable evidence that conduct and procedure were repeatedly in error in this case, since the initial filing of an appeal against the decision of eligibility, made by the Department of Unemployment Compensation. Their initial, correct decision was based on the fact that the employer denied willful misconduct on the initial fact-finding inquiry and repeated that denial, in the dialog of the transcripts, as specified in the appellants Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice/plus Addendum. They were essentially appealing the initial employer's own testimony or to clarify, disputing with themselves, which once testified, cannot be revoked or appealed by the party that testified, and definitely should not be given a scheduled appeal hearing date, because that would unacceptably inflate the hearings calendar.
2. On July 21, 2004, the UCBR defaulted procedure by adopting the illegal decision, by the referee. It is illegal to deny UC Benefits, where the employer failed to prove willful misconduct, and clearly stated, in the transcripts, that the ALLEGED offense was a Category II, which is the "LESS SERIOUS" Category.
3. On October 8, appellant met the timely deadline of October 12, 2004, for filing brief, in spite of the UCBR's failure to respond with a timely submittal of all hearing records. Brief was hand-written.
4. On October 12, 2004, the prothonotary's office rejected the brief, for form, and set a new deadline of November 12, 2004. Appellant made every effort to encourage expedition of the forwarding of requested records but had only a portion of them forwarded on October 26, 2004, through the kind intervention of Gerard Mackarevich, Deputy Chief Counsel for the UCBR. On November 3, 2003, a 4 th written request demanding the complete record, including " documents #1 through #31", that were mentioned on page 2 of the transcripts. None of the documents were forwarded even to date. Appellant then had no alternative but to file a timely 9page Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice plus a 7 page Addendum to the Motion on November 8, 2004, due to lack of UCBR'S cooperation in forwarding all records. This also nullified the new deadline of November 12, 2004 for filing a brief, according to the FEDERAL Rules of Appellate Procedure on Motion to Remand: "The motion shall be filed prior to the filing of the appellant's brief." - Rule 23B Section (A) paragraph 2. And may I also cite Rule 23B Section (D), "Oral argument and the deadline for brief shall be VACATED upon the filing of a Motion to Remand under this rule.".
It has frequently become apparent that the UCBR operates under a misconception of the extent of their own autonomy, in policymaking, as well as policy following, that has often revealed them to be non-compliant to the superior policies and authorities of the laws, policies and procedures of the Commonwealth Court, The UC Laws and the Federal Superior Court Procedures, THAT THEY ARE ALSO SUBORDINATE TO, in their UPWARD ASSIGNING OF APPELLANT DISPUTES. These higher authorities cannot and will not abide by the non-compliant policymaking practices of the UCBR, WHERE DUE PROCESS WOULD BE VIOLATED IF NON-COMPLIANT UCBR POLICIES WERE PERMITTED TO OVER-RIDE THE HIGHER AUTHORITIES THAT HOLD SUPREMANCY OVER THEIR DEPARTMENT.
5. The UCBR, on Item #5 of their Motion to dismiss, incorrectly implies that the appellant has not complied with proper requirements of Chapter 21 of the Pa Rules of Appellate Procedure. The fact is, the appellant was exactly correct in timely functions and form, and the UCBR has attempted to persuade this court to overlook the filing of the combined 16 page Motion to Reverse, with all of its defaults documented, and its vacating of the brief deadline.
Therefore it is the UCBR who is not complying, due to their inappropriate filing for a Motion to Dismiss the Petitioner's Appeal instead of complying with the procedure of response to the Motion to Remand;
"A response shall be filed within 20 days after the motion is filed. The response shall include a proposed order of remand that identifies the ineffectiveness claims and specifies the factual issues relevant to EACH such claim to be addressed by the trial court in the event Remand is granted, unless the responding party accepts that proposed by the moving party. Any reply shall be filed within 10 days after the response is filed." – Rule 23B Section (B) Paragraph 2.
6. UCBR: " On October 25, 2004, Petitioner requested the Board forward the hearing transcript of the employer's testimony from the hearing of April 21, 2004."
REPLY: Prior to the July 21, 2004 decision, by the UCBR, a telephone request for records was made. On July 29, 2004 a written request for ALL RECORDS was delivered and no response was received. By the deadline of October 12, 2004, Brief had to be submitted and compiled without the full record of the hearing, which was imperative to its efficient completion. This is a serious default, as cited, with references, in the Appellants Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice/ Plus Addendum. On October 25, 2004, Appellant submitted the THIRD not FIRST request for all records.
7. On October 26, 2004, a prompt response was made to the third request by, Gerard Mackarevich, Deputy Chief Counsel, as stated in reply item #4 of this document, but he only forwarded a copy of the transcript and 1 exhibit of the employer (the only exhibit of the employer, according to the transcript.) On page 2 of the transcript was dialog referring to documents #1 through #31 being entered into the record. Discussion of this was expanded in the appellants Motion to Reverse. None of these documents were ever forwarded and they held significance because they were already present, in the file, before the employer arrived and were not delivered by her, quoted from or mentioned by her during her testimony, as evidenced in the transcripts.
On November 3, 2004 a FOURTH request was submitted to the UCBR, with a time is of the essence status, pending the November 12, 2004 deadline for brief. NONE was received. UCBR DEFAULTED, again, in neglecting to make a timely response to requests for ALL RECORDS.
8. UCBR: "ON or about November 12, 2004, Petitioner filed a Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice (Motion) with this court, purportedly requesting a remand or reversal due to lack of timely release of records that are imperative to the preparation of her brief."
REPLY: The FACT is; on November 8, 2004, NOT November 12, 2004, appellant had still received NO RESPONSE to the FOURTH request for ALL RECORDS. This was not a "purported" default but a serious obstruction to the efficient preparation of brief. The absence of a timely response, for the forwarding of the required documents, prompted the November 8, 2004, filing of the 9 page Motion of Remand or Reversal with Prejudice.
On November 10, 2004, appellant also filed a 7 page Addendum to that motion, providing a combined total of a 16 page Motion that revealed a wider view of the tragedy and proportionate number of victims that are being made homeless and losing entire households of possessions and property, due to these procedural spans, defaults and delays. If appeals are not resolved and UC Funds delivered to the claimants within 30 days, the claimant is vulnerable to an eviction on rental property, and if not resolved and delivered within 90 days, to a home-owner, they are facing mortgage foreclosure.
The staff of UCBR, as well as this honorable court must open their eyes; to the massive crisis the UCBR is creating by erroneously and illegally denying UC Benefits. By the UCBR'S own admission, they deny 100 to 200 appeals PER DAY.
That's 24,000 to 48,000 victims PER YEAR, that they are responsible for, by imposing on them, the vulnerability of having their only source of income cut off and becoming homeless!
The UCBR has not been complying with the purpose it was created for. It is responsible to; investigate, correct and resolve errors as quickly as possible by using all the non-prejudice evaluating processes, that are fair and just and legal according to all Federal Civil Rights Laws, Pa State Laws, UC Department Laws, and UCBR Tribunal policies, that are recognized as acceptable within their own department, as well as beyond themselves, to the superior authorities, that they are also obligated to be compliant with, in their policymaking and practices.
The referees are over-burdened with appeals from employers who are hiring profit service-contract companies to appeal EVERY single ELIGIBLE Determination. These companies MUST be removed from the arena, as they have no association as legal counsel or acceptable witnesses who can present testimony or evidence. I expounded on this, in more detail, in the Motion to Reverse. I sympathize with the staff of the UC Department, including the referees and the Tribunal. But the over-load they are burdened with, they have created themselves, by giving hearing scheduling to frivolous appeals that are being made, in order that the employer can avoid payment as required, to the State UC Fund. These problems cannot be resolved by prejudicing the claimants, by denying benefits, where no willful misconduct has been claimed by the employer in the initial fact-finding inquiry, just to expedite the over-load of cases out the door, where it was not the fault of the claimant that they were over-loaded and where the staff from the UC Department already determined them as ELIGIBLE. Why would they schedule a hearing for an appeal where the employer already denied willful misconduct in the initial fact-finding inquiry? They shoot themselves in the foot and create the over-load by permitting the unpermittable. The employer cannot waste the referee's time or put the UC Benefits of the claimant in question for the purpose of appealing his own initial testimony.
If the UCBR developed non-prejudice policies and procedure, supervised and followed-up on the decisions of the referees, the caseload of error, coming to them, would be drastically reduced, just by having the referee abide by the non-prejudice policies that must conform to the right of due process and the right to a fair hearing.
Their reluctance to grant continuances, to avail claimants the fair opportunity to completely voice all their testimony and present evidence, is causing the incompleteness that results in upward assigning and continuance, where the claimants are not receiving due process from the referee decisions. They CANNOT refuse continuances to claimants because too many employers have jammed their calendar with frivolous appeals. They pacify the request of the employer but not the claimant. This is clearly prejudice. They are devaluating the claimant and minimalizing the importance of their Civil Rights, their Right to a Fair Hearing and the importance and relevance of their testimony.
10. UCBR: (these statements are a perfect example, of the practice, of shoving the priorities and defaults under the rug and attempting to slide the testimony, of the claimant, out the door before anyone chances to hear or pay attention to them) Quote item # 10 in portions; " To the extent the court considers Petitioner's Motion and Addendum to be her amended Brief, these lack a statement of the scope of review and standard of review, statement of the questions involved, summary of argument, argument and conclusion…. Wherefore , Petitioner, having failed to comply with this court's order, dated October 12, 2004, to file an amended Brief…… and the petitioner's Motion and Addendum being non-responsive ….(???)…..Respondent moves that your honorable Court dismiss Petitioner's appeal…..Wherefore, petitioner, having failed to state grounds upon which relief can be granted……. (???)….and Respondent, having complied with the Petitioner's request for a copy of the referee's hearing transcripts of April 21, 2004, Respondent moves that your honorable Court deny Petitioner's Motion and Addendum…..".
REPLY: the UCBR has clearly resorted to false statements, incorrect information and non-compliance with procedure. Also, in the attempt to over-step and erase the defaults proven in the appellant's Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice/ plus Addendum, Respondent has failed to give any viable explaination or retort to several documented issues, including the employers initial fact-finding statements and their transcribed hearing testimony, that willful misconduct was NOT the reason for termination, the missing 34 page letter of request for reconsideration that was not appended to the record and possibly more missing material of testimony, presented by the appellant, or they would not consider that these blatent false statements could be found believable if ALL the evidence and testimony are available for evaluation. "Wherefore, Petitioner, having failed to state grounds upon which relief can be granted….." Where are the pages listing all this material if this Respondent believes they have not been presented? It is obviously a rouse to avoid admitting that serious mistakes were made and Immediate Reversal of their Illegal Decisions can be the only recourse possible for this Honorable Court to proceed with, having in its philosophies founded on a more ethical standard of practices than these being resorted to by the Respondent. Therefore, the Appellant moves that this honorable and ethical Court deny the Respondents Motion to Dismiss the Petitioner's Appeal, and further moves that the Appellant be granted an immediate reversal of all decisions that denied UC Benefits with prejudice.
In conclusion, UCBR counsel, having the disadvantage of arriving late in these proceedings, and to be liberal, may not have been privy to the entire record of testimony and the chronology of evidence presented by the Appellant, is unfortunately lacking an awareness and insight of the urgency of the need for immediate Reversal and disbursement of UC Funds to legally ELIGIBLE claimants. Please review the list of 17 personal tragedies that are suffered within 30 days of a referee's denial, listed on page 6 of the Appellants Motion to Reverse.
This is not a time to "save face", but an opportunity to "man up" and admit honorably that errors have been discovered, many victims have been left homeless, many lives are being destroyed by these merry-go-round delay tactics and policies. Yes, the claimants do eventually go away and leave you alone. They are forced to leave the state, those who survive alive. But these were never the stereotypical images you are holding of hoboes who are too lazy to work. These are people who have worked hard all their lives. Some have degrees, own their own homes and serve on community boards. These are people who were employed full-time, very recently. But in an alarming number of cases, they have been unjustly severed from the workplace through a common practice of deception, slander and framing innocent employees in order to dishonestly lay the groundwork for false statements of "just cause" for termination in order that the employer might avoid UC Benefits payments. These are people who have even been more adept and efficient at doing their job than their supervisors and were viewed as a threat. Therefore the groundwork is laid down to get rid of them "with just cause".
They never deserved to loose their jobs, and now you impose on them homelessness, starvation, banishment and possibly death.
Read my lips. A State, a city, a country cannot survive the budgets required when there are no citizens paying taxes or having consumable income. Everyone and everything is affected by negative, unethical, uncaring, uncompromising policies and practices that would obstruct consumable incomes to the citizens. These are good people being abused.
Thank you,
Dawn Naret'
Current Contact Info:
P.O. Box 2315 Pittsburgh, Pa 15230-2315
(Old Original Contact Info-see below):
Dawn Naret'
P.O. Box 643
Lancaster, Pa. 17608 (no phone anymore – dependant on free Library computer access)
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