Saturday, June 09, 2007
date : Jun 5, 2007 5:11 PM
subject : Constitutional Rights Must Be Equal
I am once again enjoining you, in the effort to eliminate the health dangers of cigarette additives in our environment. In the course of this effort, your organization has done an impressive job of organizing a national campaign, including youth volunteers.
As admirable as I consider this accomplishment, I am still disappointed in your violations and abuses, being dolled out to smoking citizens, as a result of your total disregard of the equal constitutional rights owned by smokers as well as non-smokers.
We cannot honorably, be teaching youths to steam-roll their preferences through the legislative process when those preferences are violating the constitutional rights of others.
I am enclosing a sample of lobbying to State Senators, that I have been busy on, for the purpose of taking this bannishment and punishment program off the backs of the smokers and placing the focus and accountability onto the manufacturers where it should have been to begin with. For some FACT FINDING INFORMATION, that you can use in your anti-manufacturing additives campain, I will include also, a letter to the Allegheny County Executive Director that tried to help him avoid embarrassment before the State Of Pa BANNED his attempt to write smoking bans into county legislation.
You cannot continue to campaign for smoke-FREE environments, buildings, workplaces, businesses, sidewalks, streets and now private cars ( ?!!! ) when smokers have equal rights to engage in smoking in ALL these places, if they so choose and prefer.
The solution to non-smokers wanting protection should NEVER have been to banish smokers from society. This was an outrage that you will oneday regret. Whether you supported the actions in your political career or policies or whether you supported it with local smoke-free ordinances and laws.
The solution, should have been, from the beginning, justly placed to PROTECT the health and rights of ALL citizens and not just the health and rights of non-smokers. How much danger did you place THEIR health in by booting them out in the street, discriminating against them in housing or discriminating against them in employment?
How many lost their jobs, lost their income, became homeless or suffered health damage from exposure to inclimate weather and back of the building trash area environments while eating their lunch next to the trash dumpster? These results are despicable!!
Such attitudes and actions are a violation of the constitutional rights of smokers. They place the smoker on a level even below that of a porno shop, because the porno shop is protected to exist there, as they choose, according to their constitutional rights.
But the smokers, who probably abhore the thought of their presence in the neighborhood, just as much as anyone else, find THEMSELVES kicked out or prejudiced against, more than the porno shop owner, just because they choose to smoke healthy tobacco that, over-the-years, has been contaminated with chemicals that did not used to be in there.
You are OBLIGATED NOW, to regret those horrible prejudice attitudes and demands that you promoted, supported and steam-rolled through legislation, which caused personal, career, economical and residentual discriminations and injury, including health injuries from pneumonia, stress and inclimate weather exposure, to smokers, while being bannished outside buildings, while you sat comfortably, and warmly inside enjoying the protection to your health. SHAME ON YOU ?!!! You showed NO equal rights consideration, and it will haunt you, on record, to cast up record of your ugly head of "PREJUDICE ATTITUDE" one day in your career.
I want you and your organization to join the band-wagon to move this issue into the relevant areana of pressing for manufacturing fines and prohibitions of tobacco additives and off the backs smoking citizens. And I want you to apologize to the smokers for your TOTAL disregard for their equal rights and equal protection and reverse ALL legislative bans and demands against their freedom to choose to smoke ANYWHERE AND ANYTIME they choose.
You are an embarrassment to the democratic process with your original campaign direction. Make the apologies, erase the requests for bans and bannishments and save your reputations as "DESTROYERS OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS".
May 23, 2007
Dear Senator Orie,
I am very impressed with the organizing you have accomplished with your smoke-free lobbying. I agree that we all must make a great effort to end these health hazards for everyone. I would like to join you in a collaborative effort. Now that we have enormous attention and focus of the string-pullers on the issue, we must bring the lobbying into the core of the theater (of war) the toughest arena of all and begin, with your expert ability of discreet brain-seeding and thought path manipulation, to zero in on the source of the hazard.
That, of course, would be the cigarette manufacturers. We must eliminate their freedom to produce and distribute a health hazard product. We must lobby to create laws that prohibit, COMPLETELY, their freedom to process chemicals and additives into tobacco products altogether. We must give them NO ALTERNATIVE but to produce healthy organic products that will endanger no one's health. Studies have already proven that natural tobacco is not even addictive, let alone cancerous. It only contains a trace of nicotine, that is why, in my opinion, they add the chemicals, is to PRODUCE addiction. It does not occur naturally.
The tobacco plant, of itself, is not a toxic, addictive or poisonous plant. It is a natural, God created, domestic, green vegetation, ranking it the same as basil, parsley and oregano. Grasshoppers eat the leaves as the mainstay of their diet, including the nicotine. The natural nicotine is actually of such a low level it is not even addictive to many humans or grasshoppers.
It is these chemicals that are dangerous to the health of organic, mammal humans, not the tobacco leaf.
Why then, are the manufacturers not properly addressing the problem, of health concerns, by eliminating the chemical additives and offering a clean, safe, organic product?
How many millions of dollars, a year, would they have already saved in law-suits?
How much of their profit could they have saved, on the overhead cost, of the chemicals?
How many customers could they have kept, if the product was not labeled a health risk?
How many new customers might be obtained, if the product were safe and even shown to have health benefits, when uncontaminated with chemicals?
All of God's green creations contain health benefits. Even those thought to be dangerous. Doctors now prescribe a green plant named cannabis, A.K.A marijuana, for over a dozen different ailments. At the turn of the century, circa. 1890, Doctors also used to prescribe cocaine for calming the nerves. It is also a natural plant.
When I was a private nurse for Miss Helen Clay Frick, Pittsburgh , Pa , The family never threw anything away. Among the bathroom medicine cabinet items was a leather pouch, of glass medicine vials, prepared by the family physician as an assortment of "might need remedies" while the family was on cruise to Europe and could not be treated by their private physician. Among the vials was one, full of white powder, labeled "cocaine - 1898". Natural plants were always legal and accepted for medical treatment.
Cigarettes have been reported to ease, and in some cases, to stop the low to moderate chemical and or gas vapor induced lung and cardiac spasms. These spasms could cause instant death; in emphysema, asthma, C.O.P.D., CHF and cardiac arrhythmia patients.
I would like to see more research done on this, because I am convinced that the organic tissue, violently rejecting a chemical or gas vapor invasion, would be soothed by the counter-induction of organic vapor.
The positive, expandable components, of the organic, super ceding the densifying and contracting physics of the negative. But this is only my personal, scientific theory of how cigarettes could actually be serviceable, as a health benefit, if left untampered with.
If we could all do an honest facts reality check and stop the false information, and terroristic rhetoric, the smokers would be healthier, The non-smokers would be safe and secure from any paranoia of being around smokers or cigarettes, and the manufacturers would be free of law suits and diminishing market share profit percentages.
That would be the wisest solution for the satisfaction of everyone. And it would end the discrimination and dangers of paranoia.
There might be one unhappy camper left, and that would be the chemical manufacturers and pharmaceuticals sales to sick patients, but ….they created the additives, the harmful to humans insecticides, disinfectants, solvents, etc…etc…etc.
To that, the wise old sage, "KhanDawnUs" say; "the dog who bites….could end up with bloody tail."
I would hope that they would redirect their focus to preventative health enhancement, by producing safer protective products.
I personally wish to promote good health, extended life and the pursuit of happiness to every human. Lets all do a fact finding reality check and no one has to fear being banished 15 feet from the building.
We must erase the errors, committed against not only smokers, but against all humans and put an END to the violations of everyone's constitutional; civil, and human rights, before they are a lost and obsolete memory of Democracy.
Thank you for smoking or not is your right to choose.,
Dawn Naret',
Author of "We The People" Web-site,
Dawn Naret'
P.O. Box 2315
Pittsburgh , PA 15230-2315
response from: "Orie, Senator Jane">
date: May 23, 2007 1:22 PM
"I definitely will look into-------and will have Kurt contact you to discuss further! "
Friday, April 06, 2007
Open Letter To Dan Onorato -
Dawn Naret'
P.O. Box 2315
Pittsburgh, Pa 15230-2315
Dan Onorato, County Executive Director
I tried to forward you a copy of a very important article, but this contact system would not accept the size of it. Please read my copy of it A.S.A.P. at:
This is not a typical letter to the Executive Director of County Government. It is being sent to you, for your protection.
There is about to arrive, a stirring of angry demonstrations and revolts against violations of Constitutional Rights and discriminations against smokers. It would be beneficial to you and your staff to read this very informative article and familiarize yourself with all of the valuable information, that could help you have clear confidence, to support smokers in the "Burn the Smoking Ban" conflict.
I realize that you could feel more obligation to support the preferences, of what you imagine, to be the majority of the constituent opinion. However, the majority often has cross-over voters, as you are aware.If you are not able to influence the County "steam-rollers" to cease discrimination and abuse, and to get these illegal laws and policies completely off the books, in Pittsburgh City and County, you could very well witness a prime example of "Majority Leverage" going bad.
You are possibly not aware of just how illegal and discriminatory this new ban is and every rule or policy that tries to dictate the activity and choice of a consumer who is using a legal product, is an illegal policy. And just as illegal and discriminatory is the on-going practice of loading unassociated taxes onto tobacco products, "where smokers have to pay to provide increased funding, but non-smokers do not contribute".
I guarantee you, that 100% of the smoking voters will turn on any politician who supports the continuance of these abusive dictates and practices. Their numbers may be considered the minority, but the non-smoking majority may not approve of everything on your record, and could be crossing-over to the smokers' side, at least on a general election debate.
So, you cannot have a guarantee that their majority over smokers is a clear sailing majority acceptance of the ban and the continued abuses against the smokers.
A more appropriate and definitely more legal philosophy and policy toward non-smokers demands, would be the "if you don't like it leave..." practice, advised for theaters of "XXX" rated film rights and porn shops in unwelcoming neighborhoods. How have these unsavory businesses survived?? Remember? it was because of their Constitutional Right to choose and exist. Are we expected to have any LESS democratic democracy protection extended to honorable, working, citizens, who just happen to smoke cigarettes, a legal product to consume?
The Honorable Judge, requires that you contact him and officially withdraw requests for dictatorial smoking bans, limitations, restrictions, prohibiting/monitoring policies, laws, rules, discriminations, prejudices, as well as; harassment and obstruction practices, within your offices and illegal housing and employment discrimination being encouraged, by your office, based on erroneous assumption of freedom to permit, conduct or support these violations of constitutional rights of smokers.
Regards,Dawn Naret'
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